Tips worth to know about a Chameleon.
A few Tips worth to know about a Chameleon..
- The egg of the rare Parson’s chameleon is believed to take up to two years to hatch.
- A chameleon’s tongue can be shot out to an extraordinary length: in some species the tongue is longer than the body.
- Chameleons seem to prefer running water to still water.
- The name chameleon means earth lion and comes from the Greek words “chamai” (on the ground, on the earth) and “leon” (lion)
- Chameleons shed their skin in pieces. How often they shed depends on how quickly they grow.
- The female Jackson’s Chameleons or best known as the Three horned chameleons are one if not the only one that gives birth to live young ones
- Chameleons are old world species although one specie was introduced to Hawaii in 1970