Clients who are paying for any service expect quality! Here are suggested procedures for proper guest relations in Handling Challenging Guests

When difficult guests decide to make a complaint, it’s important to think about your tone of voice, stay polite at all times, and choose your words

Handling Challenging Guests

  • Do not argue with a guest.
  • Listen objectively and carefully to all the guest has to say.
  • Do not take criticism personally or react sensitively.
  • If issues arise that you know to be true, agree and deal with the people concerned later.
  • Do not reprimand other staff members in public.
  • Deal with guests’ complaints immediately and attempts to resolve issues right then for the guest.
  • Try to accommodate the guest’s needs as far as possible.
  • I Apologise, even though it may not be your fault.
  • After an unsatisfactory incident is resolved, acknowledge a slip in service- put a note and a bottle of wine in the room or give a discount, etc. Empower staff members to use their discretion to ensure happy, satisfied guests.

Remember:- The Client is always right unless there is a safety concern.

Note- If you hear guests are unhappy about something, do not let it continue. Step in and resolve the problem. Avoidance is not a solution.

And make sure guests leaves the lodge happy, with his/her problem solved.

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