Kalagala Falls Overland Camp

The weekend is here……. Made any plans? If not, a highly recommended visit to the newly opened Kalagala Falls Overland Camp near Jinja on the source of the River Nile and just minutes away from a short boat ride to our private island with Lemala Wildwaters Lodge.

Kalagala Falls Overland Camp

Restaurants are booming and sending out lots of delicious food at great prices. The #bar is fully stocked to keep your thirst at bay. You could book a rafting trip with Adrift and enjoy FOC accommodation overnight in shared en-suite dorm accommodation.

Kalagala Falls Overland CampWide range of accommodations to suit all budgets with rates starting from USD 8 per person camping only on our lush green lawns, USD 16 per person in our ensuite dorm accommodation – 6, 8 or 10 units that each enjoy a safe and lockable unit for luggage and valuables (if you book rafting shared dorm is FOC remember), and then USD 26 per person in our delightful raised safari tents with comfortable twin beds and an outside deck with shared bathroom facilities.

All rates are VAT inclusive but exclude a room levy tax of USD 1 per person per day.

If you ever wanted to visit the time is NOW and you might think about combining a stay with us with a lunch on our private island at #lemalawildwaters.

Kalagala Falls Overland CampThere are many options to cover you for a weekend stay and enjoy a range of water activities bookable at Uganda’s only ONE STOP Adrift Riverbase Activity Centre including rafting that offers grade 5 and 3 options plus family and white water introduction for the less adventurous.

River bugging (the first of its kind on the River Nile introduced by adrift, sunset cruises, kayaking with the Nile, horse riding with Nile Horseback Safaris, quad biking, and Bike safaris.

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